Corneal Endothelial Cell Changes in The Eyes of Primary Angle Closure Suspects Treated Using Laser Peripheral Iridotomy Compared with Untreated Fellow Eyes at Phrarongkutklao Hospital
Corneal endothelial cell, Primary angle closure, Laser peripheral iridotomyAbstract
Objective: The study’s primary outcome was to compare corneal endothelial cell in the eyes of Primary Angle Closure Suspects (PACS) treated by laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) and in untreated fellow eyes. The secondary outcome was to assess short-term effects of LPI on the corneal endothelium among PACS. Study design: The study employed a prospective design MethodsL PACS visiting Phramongkutklao Hospital were enrolled in the study. Data were collcted regarding type and setting of laser parameters, endothelial cell counts and morphology, gonioscopy and underlying diseases. Randomized eyes were treated using LPI while the other eye was treated by LPI 3 months later. Rate of corneal endothelium loss in the treated eyes were assessed and compared with untreated fellow eyes. Primary outcome was interpreted by pair t-test while secondary outcome was interpreted using the ANOVA test. Results: A total of 31 PACS (62 eyes) were included in the study. The medium age was 67 years (range 43-90). PACS totaled 21 females (67.7%) and 10 males (32.3%). The mean total power of double frequency Nd:YAG (532 nm) laser and Nd:YAG laser, were 855.6+-53.9 mW and 2.3+-0.5 mJ, respectively. Concerning primary outcomes, the mean coeneal endothelial cell density before LPI and postLPI 3 months was 2608.5+-399.8 and 2605.6+-397, respectively, 1 cellmm2. In untreated fellow eyes, the mean corneal endothelial cell density at 1 and 3 months was 2607.1+-419.6 and 2605.0+-403.2 cell/mm2, respectively. No significance was found in rate of endothelial cell change between treated and untreated fellow eyes using LPI (p=0.981). Regarding secondary outcomes, corneal endothelial cell density did not decrease significantly in 3 months (p=0.126) Conclusion: No difference was observed in corneal endothelial cell changes between treated and untreated fellow eyes using LPI over 3 months. LPI did nit affect corneal endothelial cell in a short term period

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