atopic dermatitis, emollient, food sensitization, skin prick testAbstract
Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) mainly affects young children. The primary prevention of AD was investigated among high-risk infants. Objective: The study aimed to determine whether enhancing the skin barrier since early infancy would affect primary prevention and food sensitization.
Methods: A randomized controlled trial of 60 high-risk infants with a family history of atopy, aged up to 10 weeks, were enrolled. They were randomly assigned to either the intervention group receiving an inhouse emollient (cold cream) or the control group receiving only routine skin care education. The dermatologic assessment was recorded at ages 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 12 months. The skin prick test (SPT) with the top eight food allergens was performed at nine months.
Results: Fifty-six infants contributed to the study. A total of 11 (19.6%) developed AD, comprising 7 (24.1%) in the intervention group and 4 (14.8%) in the control group, with p = 0.380. Only 39 infants undergoing SPT with food sensitization found among 6 (15.4%) infants were comparable between the two groups (p = 0.674).
Conclusion: We could not conclude that enhancing the skin barrier among high-risk infants could prevent AD and food sensitization.
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