The Effect of Positive Psychological Capital Program on Retention Nurses


  • Saisamorn Chaleoykitti The Royal Thai Army Nursing College
  • Ann Thaiudom The Royal Thai Army Nursing College



Psychological capital, Retention, Nurses


Turnover rate of nurses in Thailand has been increasing due to excessive workload, stressful nature of the work and lack of psychological support. Therefore, the researcher has developed interventions to promote positive psychological strengths to improve retention rates among nurses. The purposes of this study were to examine retention of nurses and the effect of the program to develop positive psychological capital among professional nurses. The samples were randomly divided in two groups: experimental and control groups, consisting of 20 nurses each group. The experimental group received the program, including 16-hour class lectures, counseling and activities designed to reinforce the 5 elements of positive psychological capital: self-efficacy, hope, optimism, resilience and hardiness, while the control group did not. The study found that retention intention of nurses in the experimental group was greater than that of the control group with statistical significance


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How to Cite

Chaleoykitti S, Thaiudom A. The Effect of Positive Psychological Capital Program on Retention Nurses. J Southeast Asian Med Res [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];1(2):58-62. Available from:



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